Welcome to the information page for the visual novel games following our stories.
The VNs are being done with authorization from the TNU Project Council and are a collaboration between LastNexus Studios, TNU Productions and EweArts. The first game follows Sumire Rembrant in the beginning of her adventure and her role in Marsia Academy. A second game is planned following her through her interactions with Ari Mizriki and eventually joining the Federation Military through her taking on the role as queen of Orteria. We are also hoping to develop prequel games down the line if there is interest. If you have questions about the game you can view updates at the following links. We currently support Windows, Android through the Google Play Store and plan to support Linux in the near future. If you require support please contact TNU Productions’ Support team at gamesupport (at) tnuproject (dot) org. Please note that the email mentioned herein is the only way to contact support regarding this game. The TNU Project Council or its membership have no direct oversight of the game and have only authorized use of the story for its continued survival and distribution.