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Simming Conventions

This page offers information about role playing virtual conventions. There are currently four known conventions; the SciWorld Online Role Playing Convention which occurs in the spring, FallFest (formally Simming Fall Festival) which occurs in the fall, Project Khitomer which occurs in Febuary and most recently the Babel Conference which occurs every January. They are made up of programming that allows members of the simming and role playing world to connect, gain knowledge, get help and meet some of the influential people who helped to make role playing what it is today regardless of their affiliation. These conventions have a rich history going back to 1999 and are together in their 23nd year of operation originally started by the Simming League then OngoingWorlds and now SimmingHub with SciWorld and later FallFest. Project Khitomer was developed under a collaborative effort between Bravo Fleet, Obsidian Fleet and Pegasus Fleet. The Babel Conference came into fruition by a joint effort from RPG Writing, SWA, Theta Fleet and Zodiac Fleet. For information on selection of hosting organizations for SciWorld and FallFest please check the blog on this site or the OngoingWorlds Community Blog.

Babel Conference

This event occurs annually in January. It was created by a joint effort of RPG WritingSWATheta Fleet and Zodiac Fleet and it occurs on Discord. The event is currently maintained by Mystic Fleet, RPG Writing, Sim Central, Split-World Alliance, and Theta Fleet. More information about the event can be found on its website.

Khitomer Conference

This event occurs annually in February. It is hosted and sponsored jointly by 22nd FleetObsidian Fleet and Pegasus Fleet. The event occurs on Discord. Additional information can be found at its website.


This event occurs annually in the late spring or early summer months. You can join Discord for SciWorld. For current information on the event, transcripts and information on SciWorld please see its website.

For information about past events we encourage you to view Role Play Wiki’s page on the topic.


This event occurs in the late fall months. It occurs on the combined SciWorld/FallFest Discord server linked above. For more information, a schedule or for questions please see the unified SciWorld/FallFest website.

For information on past events we encourage you to view the Role Play Wiki’s page on this event.


We have begun to attempt to compile a historical list of past SciWorld and FallFest events. You can view this information here.